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An ode to the act of cleaning. Can you relate?
When I'm anxious, I clean. With no big decisions or deadlines involved, cleaning is a relatively mindless task that always seems to lift my mood — and makes me feel better about myself and my home.
It's certainly not a glamorous job (especially when there's a mucky bathroom involved), but a recent study conducted by the University of California San Diego found that household chores, including cleaning and washing up, can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by 43% and stroke by 30%. They even claim cleaning can lower the chance of dying from heart disease by 62%.
In case you were looking for another reason to pick up your cleaning gloves, the Anxiety & Depression Association of America actively recommends cleaning as a means to reduce stress. Feeling anxious? Take a look at the reasons cleaning is not my chore, but my stress reliever instead...
The nature of anxiety can make everything feel overwhelming, but I find organising and tidying tasks to be true spirit-lifters. Cleaning, coupled with the end result of a tidier home, helps to reduce my stress levels and anxious thoughts, while improving my focus on a busy day. It helps me take control of my surroundings.
According to a previous study, published in the journal Mindfulness, people who were mindful when washing dishes (really focusing on the task at hand) reported a 27% reduction in nervousness, along with a 25% improvement in mental inspiration. People felt more positive overall.
"Cleaning is physical activity with a good positive result so is a great mood booster," Lynsey Crombie, AKA Queen of Clean, tells Country Living. "By adding in your favourite playlist or listening to a podcast helps too. When you see the result of a clean, tidy room or a tidier drawer it gives you the motivation to move on and do something else with your time."
Whether it's the kitchen cabinet or bathroom sink, cleaning gives me a sense of mastery over my environment. Life is full of uncertainties — from our health to finances — but there's one thing I know to be true: I can turn all my intentions into actions when it comes to cleaning. Of course, there are some days when I don't feel like it (especially after a long week), but a quick tidy up always manages to make me feel better.
"Having routine in our lives helps us take control of stress and anxiety"
There appears to be some truth behind this, too. "Tidying doesn't have to be hard work or a chore — it can be a very mindful experience," Anxiety UK tells Country Living. "Having routine in our lives helps us take control of stress and anxiety. You can incorporate your housework into a routine. Having a set day or time helps create a regular habit and stay on top of things."
I love to-do lists. Not only do they bring structure to my day, but they provide a clear game plan of what I need to do — especially when it comes to cleaning and organising. Once finished, there really is nothing more satisfying than marking a big tick next to each task. Surely I'm not the only one?
The team at Anxiety UK back this up, telling us: "At first, writing this list may seem like there is a lot to do but once step back and look at it you will see it is broken down into manageable pieces. You will also find it therapeutic to tick of each task as a sense of accomplishment can really boost your mood. Focus on how good it will feel to have that task done. When it's done take a step back and admire your hard work. Maybe that is all you need to do today. Tick it off your list!"
Cleaning is certainly not loved by everyone, but having a tidy up around the home helps improve my focus and productivity. When I'm feeling sad, anxious or overwhelmed, I slip on my cleaning gloves and take a few minutes to myself.
In a previous study conducted by Psychology Today, researchers found that participants who kept their houses cleaner reported better physical and mental health than those who were less tidy.
"Getting up in the morning to a messy kitchen is not good for you but getting up to a clean organised kitchen will put you in a great mood and in turn make your day a good day," Lynsey adds. "Everyone struggles for time these days but by setting your timer to five or even 10 minutes and bashing out a room is not only great exercise because you are speed cleaning but it also a mood lifter."
And lastly, cleaning is simply something I enjoy doing. Not only can it burn calories (mopping the floor should be classed as exercise), but previous research found cleaning increases endorphins — the feel-good chemicals in our brain. I agree. From the smell of an all-natural lemon degreaser, to the shine of a freshly wiped-down sink, it's one of life's little joys.
"People are embarrassed to say cleaning has helped them, but I really want to change that message. If going for a run or a walk can help, then cleaning can help too," Lynsey explains. "Cleaning was my therapy, it helped me in my darkest days."
Why not give it a go? It might just be to mood-boost you need to get through a challenging day.
You can choose whether these stylish bottles come with a trigger spray or a pump and you can also personalise the label on them. They are a perfect replacement for plastic bottles: cleaning sprays, shampoo and conditioner, hand wash, washing-up liquid etc. They can be refilled at local refill stations. We suggest Ecover refills for cleaning products (list of stockists here) and Faith in Nature for personal hygiene (list here).
BUY NOW, from £8, ETSY
Ecoeggs are a long-lasting alternative to laundry capsules and detergents. It’s a recycled plastic egg, filled with mineral pellets, which you put in your washing machine as you would a normal capsule. The refillable mineral pellets are proven to be good for allergy-prone and sensitive skin and are also much better for the waterways.
Tip! The Ecoegg is great for everyday washing but you might want to consider a stronger stain remover on dirtier clothes or the natural bleach mentioned in the next few slides. You can also add extra scent to your laundry with essentials oils.
We love these sturdy dish brushes that not only do the job well but look much nicer in our kitchens, too. Their description reads: "Each cleaning brush is handmade and bristles are made from highly durable and long lasting coconut fibre."
BUY NOW, £9.90, Wearth London
Swap those yellow and green sponges which shed plastic into our sinks with these attractive, washable pads. Although they are much thinner than a traditional sponge and definitely feel different to use, they are great for washing up plates, bowls and glasses. They can be washed in the machine and are then fully recyclable when they do reach they end of their days.
BUY NOW, £9 for 2, Wearth London
This laundry bag collects the microfibres that escape from your clothes in the washing machine. You simply put your load in the bag and then put the entire bag in the machine. Once the load is done, the microfibres will be left in the bottom of the bag. These can't be recycled in most cases but this method stops them from entering the waterways and inevitably heading for the ocean.
BUY NOW, £24.95, &Keep
This is an excellent cleaner which can be used to refill reusable bottles like the glass ones mentioned earlier. This product can be found at most Ecover refill stations but, if you would prefer buy a bottle, rest assured that it is made from recycled plastic and plant based materials and is fully recyclable.
This is an obvious swap away from the plastic clothes pegs that have crept into our households.
BUY NOW, £4.95, &Keep
Swap plastic-wrapped, single-use paper kitchen roll for these much more attractive, natural and washable cloths.
BUY NOW, £14, Wearth London
Swap cling film for beeswax wraps. They are perfect for fruit, veg, bread and bowls of leftovers. You simply warm the wax up with your hands and they mould around anything.
BUY NOW, from £10, The Beeswax Wrap Co.
This natural bleach in a paper bag, from Mangle & Wringer, is a great alternative to big plastic bottles of harsh chemical bleach. On their website, the description reads: "Our Natural Bleach, also known as oxygen bleach, is a safe and non-toxic, biodegradable alternative to harsh chlorine bleach. When dissolved in water it releases oxygen which acts as a powerful stain remover and deodoriser. It breaks down harmlessly to oxygen, water and sodium carbonate. This miracle product brightens both whites and coloured fabrics and prevents them from yellowing. It’s great at removing organic stains like tea and coffee, fruit juice, food sauces, grass stains, pet stains, blood and red wine. Natural Bleach is also a great alternative to chlorine bleach in the bathroom. Dissolve in warm water to safely clean and disinfect the loo and clean drains. Also use to easily and safely clean and bleach sinks, baths, cups, mugs, tea and coffee pots."
BUY NOW, from £3.50, Mangle & Wringer
Mangle & Wringer also do a range of cleaning balms in aluminium tins that can be reused or recycled. We love the lavender scented bathroom balm – you simply rub it in with a clean cloth, rinse and wash off.
BUY NOW, BATHROOM BALM, £5.80, Mangle & Wringer
BUY NOW, KITCHEN BALM, £5.80, Mangle & Wringer
These tablets are friendly to the waterways and the cardboard packaging is fully-recyclable. Ecover have this to say about the plastic-wrapped tablets on their website: "Dishwasher tablets don’t react well to the moisture in the air. In fact, it causes them to crumble. We want you to open your box to find tablets, not powder, so we wrap each tablet. The packages of our dishwasher tablets are made of polypropylene and each pack weighs only 0.3 grams.We have not found a dissolvable film that meets our standards for biodegradability. We are actively investigating an alternative to this type of packaging – we’re looking at plant based options that meet our standards. We’re not there yet but when we find an alternative we will switch."
These reusable, washable clothes clean multiple surfaces with just water. The starter pack includes an e-cloth for bathroom, kitchen, windows, multi-surface and glass polishing
An obvious swap for their plastic, single-use cousins.
BUY NOW, £6, Ethical Superstore
Don't spend 5p on another plastic bag – these string ones are perfect for your shopping and stylish too.
BUY NOW, £10.99 for 4, Amazon