An action that aims to allocate resources to the Recanto da Compaixão Frei Salvador will be held this Saturday (23/04), in Caxias do Sul.This is the “Cartela do Bem” project, which collects empty medicine packets, with the aim of raising funds to help with the construction of the future nursing home.The recycling of this material would help in raising the funds.The action is carried out by Cooperativa Paz e Bem, in partnership with Mão Amiga.Card donations will be accepted from 9 am to 4 pm, at the headquarters of Recanto da Compaixão, located in the old INSS building, at Rua Pinheiro Machado, nº 3329. According to the creator of the project, Tiago Pavelski, the idea of helping Mão Amiga was a form of retribution due to the project having helped him to set up the cooperative years ago.The objective is for the action to be permanent, passing through generations this importance of supporting the elderly.Medicine packages are made with a material called blister, used in the cards as a container to store the medicines.Pavelski explains that the material is also used to assemble from toys to linings for homes.Therefore, many companies are interested in reusing this material.The “Cartela do Bem” action will also collect PET and HDPE bottles, in addition to clothes and shoes that will, in the future, be delivered to the 125 elderly people in a situation of social vulnerability welcomed at Recanto da Compaixão.Receive the best content from Tua Rádio in your email for free and always keep up to date.Did you find any errors in this content?Send a message to us.After checking the information, the necessary changes will be made.