10 Ways Dr. Hedo Could Change Dragon Ball By Joining Capsule Corp

2022-06-19 00:25:54 By : Mr. guoqing wang

A valuable employee at Red Ribbon Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Hedo could also alter the Dragon Ball anime series by joining Capsule Corporation.

The Dragon Ball fandom is at an all-time high because of the recent release of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, an original feature film that introduces new transformations, allies, and villains. Dr. Hedo is a brilliant mind who’s employed at Red Ribbon Pharmaceuticals and is the one responsible for the creation of Gamma 1 and 2. Curiously, Dr. Hedo is not really a villain

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Instead, Dr. Hedo is someone who has an obsession with superheroes and strength. He even exhibits humility and would rather turn himself into the authorities then become an outlaw. The values and intellect that are present in Dr. Hedo could make him genuinely valuable at Capsule Corporation and could help change the state of Dragon Ball.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero begins with Dr. Hedo among nefarious company at Red Ribbon, but Dr. Hedo's one dominant quality is his genius-level intellect. Dr. Gero forever changed the world through the creation of the Androids and his work with Cell, but Dr. Hedo dwarfs those accomplishments and proves to be even smarter.

It’s genuinely exciting to think how Dr. Hedo could apply his genius to Capsule Corp for good and how that could make life easier for the heroes. He could do this through new Dragon Radar technology, a mass-produced Senzu Bean pill, or something else.

One of Dr. Hedo’s greatest accomplishments in Super Hero is that he creates his own superheroes, Gamma 1 and 2, who are actually Androids. These Androids look far different to the models that were created by Dr. Gero, which indicates the substantial technology that Hedo has control over.

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In this sense, “outdated” technology like Androids 17 and 18 would be well within Hedo’s grasp. He could likely institute some upgrades that wouldn’t be too invasive in nature. Androids 17 and 18 have stayed in the picture and continually proven their worth, but Hedo’s advancements would push them even further in this direction.

One tactic that Dr. Hedo utilizes that’s reminiscent of Dr. Gero’s strategies during the Cell Saga involves a tiny robot, Hachimaru, that’s able to masquerade as an insect. Dr. Hedo uses Hachimaru as an elite stealth assassin, but there’s no reason that he couldn’t use this device to acquire DNA like Gero did. There are some incredibly appealing ideas that are possible now that Dragon Ball has opened itself up to a multiverse.

Another Tournament of Power-like event that assembles the strongest from across the multiverse could give Dr. Hedo the opportunity to use Hachimaru. He could then forge a warrior of unprecedented strength that incorporates qualities from every universe.

Bulma is an indispensable Dragon Ball character who’s been around since the very first episode of the original series. Bulma stays off the battlefield and contributes through her brilliance, which has resulted in vital technology for the heroes.

There’s not really anyone else in Dragon Ball who can properly challenge Bulma’s intelligence, so the presence of someone like Dr. Hedo by her side is a big deal. It’d be satisfying to get an extended storyline where Bulma and Hedo brainstorm to solve a problem and their brains are the key to survival instead of the Saiyans’ strength.

The Red Ribbon Army had peak power during the original Dragon Ball, but remnants of their evil organization continue to survive and resurface over time. The heroes’ strength is typically a valuable counter to Red Ribbon’s technology and manpower, but Hedo’s defection to Capsule Corp gives the heroes the inside track on the enemy’s resources.

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If Red Ribbon does ever decide to launch another attack, then Hedo knows how to dismantle the hardware. Hedo could even co-opt Red Ribbon tech for the good guys and turn these symbols of fear into helpful tools.

A fascinating development in Dragon Ball is that Dr. Gero, the creator of Red Ribbon’s Androids, applies the same cybernetic upgrades to himself. Dr. Gero meets an ironic end by his own creations, but the character continues to scheme from beyond the grave in Dragon Ball GT.

Dragon Ball GT also institutes Dr. Myuu, a Machine Mutant scientist who pools his evil intellect together with Gero to forge Super 17. Dragon Ball Super has yet to hint at the return of Dr. Gero, but if he or Dr. Myuu ever do show up, then the heroes have a genius scientist to counter with and humble them.

There’s certainly a risk of diminishing returns whenever a series like Dragon Ball brings back an established villain instead of an original character. Dragon Ball Super has heavily embraced this idea and the climax of Super Hero features a rampaging lab experiment that makes use of Cell’s DNA.

This volatile Cell Max is not the same Cell that Gohan faced in the past, but its existence indicates that Hedo still has access to Dr. Gero’s Cell blueprints. Hedo could properly recreate an altruistic version of Cell that fights with the heroes. This would be a satisfying way to bring back the character, especially with him needing to cooperate with Frieza.

Bulma’s brilliance in Dragon Ball has never been in question, but she truly proves her brain's powers by cracking the science behind time travel. The arrival of Future Trunks is thanks to his mother’s tireless work in his timeline. Time travel isn’t a constant occurrence in Dragon Ball, but that might be because it’s still such a volatile process.

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Dr. Hedo is so smart that he could perhaps add to the science and make it more accessible or less daunting. This could even make Future Trunks more of a permanent presence. In fact, Hedo could seriously improve Future Trunks’ fractured world. They’d benefit from him spending time over there.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero throws a lot at the heroes, especially during the final act. However, for the bulk of the picture, it’s Gamma 1 and 2 who are the dominant threats. What’s crucial about these characters is that they don’t intend to be evil and view themselves as superheroes.

Gamma 2 pays the ultimate price, which raises the question of what Dr. Hedo decides to create next. It wouldn’t be unexpected for Hedo to recreate an improved version of Gamma 2 so that Gamma 1 has a partner. At the same time, Hedo could also craft a totally new Gamma 3 and bring a whole new Android tradition forward.

Dr. Hedo proves himself to the heroes by the end of Super Hero, but it’s always possible that he’s pulling a long con or could later experience a change of heart. After becoming so indoctrinated into Capsule Corp with Bulma, Dr. Hedo will know the company’s secrets as well as the inner workings of the heroes.

Of course, Hedo's betrayal isn’t inevitable, but it’d leave the heroes in a vulnerable position. It'd also be quite chilling to have Dr. Hedo use Capsule technology in nefarious ways against the heroes. Bulma and company truly don’t view Hedo’s cooperation to be a liability, which speaks volumes for his character.

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Daniel Kurland is a freelance writer, comedian, and critic, who lives in the cultural mosaic that is Brooklyn, New York. Daniel’s work can be read on ScreenRant, Splitsider, Bloody Disgusting, Den of Geek, and across the Internet. Daniel recently completed work on a noir anthology graphic novel titled, "Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Noir: A Rag of Bizarre Noir and Hard Boiled Tales" and he’s currently toiling away on his first novel. Daniel's extra musings can be found @DanielKurlansky on Twitter.